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   How did you first decide to do music?? And what made you pick this genre??
I honestly never even imagined myself making music growing up. I've always been an artist but I was more involved with the visual arts at a younger age. I would listen to all genres of music but around the age of 16 I fell in love with hip hop music and was inspired to write my first song.

    In what way does the world affect your music??
In every single way. My music is made for the people of the world and is influenced by experiences I've had in my life while in it. 

    Who are some of your favorite artist??
Nas, Wu Tang Clan, Biggie Smalls, Big L, Tupac, Jay- Z, MF DOOM, Big Pun, AZ & basically any artists out there making REAL hip hop music with substance. It's hard to make a list because I'm always discovering new songs & hearing new styles.

    What can we expect from you in the future??
Very big things. I want to be known as one of young artists in the world that's making an impact on hip hop in a major way. Right now this is only the beginning of something great. I recognize that everyone has to pay their dues to the game and I know nothing great comes easy. These are reasons why everyday I'm striving towards that next step in the bigger picture. History isn't always made over night so just keep a look out for DTM.

    What have you accomplished so far?? Music related and non music related
Well I can't say much at this time as far as music goes because I am currently working on my Debut EP project but I'd had have to say my greatest accomplishment right now would be my overall growth as a person. I've learned a lot in a short amount of time & I'm constantly improving. Music is one part of my life but it's blessing to be able to reach out and & be understood to the all people who support the movement.  

    Are music videos too controversial??
Not at all I'm actually working on a new music video for my new single "Hands Down" featuring on Unsigned Hype World. Also I just finished a music video for Team backpack.
    What’s your favorite clothes brand?? 
An APE AFFILIATED definitely has the hottest clothing out right now at & they support the hip hop movement big time. If you don't already have some then honestly you have to check out their clothing. Its dope.