Nick Festari is #Flyah
Nick Festari
Roberto Festari (a.k.a. Nick Festari) started to study piano at 9 years
old. When he was 16, he became one of the organists of his parish. It
was there that he took his first steps accompanying a talented choir
during the liturgical celebrations and performances. In that period,
Nick met the 2 people who would have believed in him, and together they
have been writing some of the best eurobeat hits for years. In 1986 he
started a cover band with some friends where he has been playing
keyboards for about 2 years. In 1987 the musicians and Live Music Studio
owners Claudio Accatino & Federico Rimonti began to work with the
well-known dance producer Mark Farina. Nick Festari started to cooperate
with them playing some arrangements and rhythmics, progressively
improving his studio work skills. In the meantime, he became a member of
a band and gospel/Christian rock choir that performed in some churches
and small local theaters. Furthermore, he participated in various song
contests as writer, winning the last edition in 1992. In the same year,
Accatino & Rimonti joined Time Records (a famous Italian dance
label) and proposed to Nick to writing new melodies for the Japanese
audience. Two years later, Claudio and Federico started their own label,
"HI-NRG ATTACK", where Festari was involved in writing almost 800 songs
in about 20 years, also arranging and often singing these tracks behind
many aliases with his own particular style. These songs have been long
appreciated by the Japanese fans and a good part of the world that love
eurobeat and Italo-dance. At the end of 2012, Nick considered the chance
to undertake a solo career and began to write a voice/piano pop-ballad.
Once finished, he took some months to make a hard decision, and in
summer 2013 he took a chance and left eurobeat, dance scenes and HI-NRG
ATTACK that gave many satisfactions and professional skills to him. Now
Nick Festari dives into pop-music trying to reach for a totally new
audience with his own style so appreciated in his former path.