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Getparadox is #Flyah

Hailing from Brooklyn NY, Getparadox is a driven, passionate and charismatic artist with his own unique approach Rap & Hip-Hop music.
His lyrics are socially conscious and clever, covering subject matters relating to the music scene as well as to the social 
sphere under a much broader scope. Musically, his voice finds a way through a compelling and poignant sound that falls somewhere along the lines of Hip-Hop icons such as B.O.B. and Childish Gambino.
As one of the recent winners of the Coast2Coast concert series, Getparadox set out to blend his instinctive artistic vision with his high-powered performances; keeping his audiences entertained as well as intrigued. Find out more about Getparadox and let his music tell you the rest of the story:
Instagram/Twitter: @Getparadox
*Physical copies of the CD or  higher rate MP3's are available upong request.
Send business inquiries, booking or interview requests to: or call 877-770-2373