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Stone Driver has Landed on Flyah

Stone Driver is a second act for all of us.  Individually we'd each played in various bands and lineups (including our drummer in some well established acts like the Whirlies and Everclear), but eventually moved on into more conventional career pursuits.

So we went on to become a soldier, a diplomat, a scientist and a pharmacist, but emerged from these endeavors (and from far flung places like Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan), finding music again, and each other to become Stone Driver.
Listen to any songs from our vast catalog of original material and you will find each of our respective--and diverse--influences. Rock, indie, college, blues, classic, are all present. But our collective sound is a thing we call Space Grunge. We love to bring the audience in close with hook and then knock them over with a crushing turnaround of power chords and driving rhythm. We put on a great live show and have a lot of fun with the crowd.

More than anything, we want to take another swing at getting out there and showing people in and outside of DC that we are a force to be reckoned with on the rock stage. We believe in our music and message and need only a chance to bring it to a wider and more diverse audience. We welcome opportunity to achieve this and you will not be disappointed when you select us to grace a stage.

We work tirelessly to put on an incredible show and to represent our venues and fans with honor. We will also pull out all the stops to pack each venue with rabid supporters and to reel in those who don't yet know us with our sound and energy.

Give Stone Driver a slot and you'll be asking us back--guaranteed.

Stone Driver "Descent" Album Review – DC Rock Live

"Do you remember when music was free from irony? It has been a while, but there was a brief period in my youth where every band took the approach of Stone Driver. They just wanted to rock out with straightforward heartfelt songs.

Music got a lot more complicated, and while better in some ways, we can be happy we still have bands that know how to rock. And Stone Driver does that plenty on this record, but offers a fair amount of variety within their sound. They have some psyche tones in ‘Prism’, offer acoustic moments, with different rhythms and guitar sounds throughout.

They are a fairly new band on the DC scene, but they clearly have veteran players that know how to bring out the best in a song. If you want thoroughly modern slacker attitude, there are some choices on this list, but for real rock fans, check this out."