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Salty Moses - Borrowed Time - #Flyah Review

Salty Moses wrote this song during 2016 and had it professionally recorded before the Trump Administration backed out of the Paris agreement - thus making the song somewhat prophetic.  He have studied the Climate Change issue a great deal, and have been trained to be a speaker/presenter by the Climate Reality Project.
Salty's goal in writing the song was to bring about an awareness of the issue - hopefully encouraging conversations about it and acceptance of the scientific findings.  As Neal deGrasse Tyson stated - this is an "Objective" science at this point - meaning it is true whether we believe it or not.
Global warming is both a concern and an opportunity at the same time.  Similar to the industrial revolution, global warming is creating an energy revolution - and fossil fuels are being phased out and face competition. This is projected to create a lot of jobs as there is so much to do - and it makes economic sense to do these things as it is now cheaper to fix the problem than continue doing business as usual. 
Fossil fuels no longer have a monopoly on transportation - electric cars and fuel cells are here and coming more popular.  Utilities are no longer monopolies - individuals and businesses can generate their own power with solar panels.  Changes in agriculture are turning practices that have been used for 150 years upside down - and large agricultural chemical manufacturers are racing to figure out ways to support the changes taking place.
An upbeat song about a topic impacting nearly every living organism on Earth. Great Country flavor mixed with a lot of truth - and even a dash of political sarcasm. A highly unique voice carries the melody - a voice you will want to hear again and again - as unique as Adam Levine's and Ed Sheeran's.


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