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Allwinnoloss - Blazed Up #Flyah Submission

Coming up as a kid, Allwinsnoloss was raised on the East side of Baltimore, MD in a strict military household, thus he had very few friends and not much of a social life.  As an adolescence and throughout his teenage years, Allwinsnoloss had a lot of responsibilities and felt as though he was forced to grow up early and missed out on being a kid. Everything around him was shaping him into something he did not want to be, all he wanted to be was himself. With the struggles and pressures he faced from the environment around him, conflicts at home between him and his father, and being a social outcast, Allwinsnoloss struggled to express himself and so he turned to music. It wasn’t until he went off to college in Atlanta, GA (Morehouse College) that he discovered that his words resonate with people his own age. His friends signed him up for open mic night on campus after hearing some of the poetry/spoken words he had written, and everybody loved it. Eventually he befriended an artist from Saginaw, MI who he would later find out was the cousin of Sonny Digital. One of his friends walked in on him rapping to instrumentals, introduced him to the Saginaw artist, and paid for Allwinsnoloss’s first studio session at Sonny Digital’s home studio. Since that moment back in the 2012-2013 school year, Allwinsnoloss had only been back to the studio 3 times to start and finish his debut mixtape “For Smokers Only” in 2018.