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Gritt Gritt - Gas Gas 🔥🔥🔥🔥

For as long as he can remember, music has been an integral part of GrittGritt’s life. By age seven, he was rhyming words on his way to For as long as he can remember, music has been an integral part of GrittGritt’s life. By age seven, he was rhyming words on his way to the bus stop . At age 13 he writing rhymes in his car chicago-based School Gladstone with the rhyming dictionary his unti got him. In elementary school wanted to pick up the electric guitar. But his family could not afford to pay the down payment  the school had until this day wants to create a program for unfortunate kids so they can have the opportunity that he didn't. It wasn’t just a fun hobby for a bright kid. It was a refuge for GRITTGRITT and his now deceased mom in a home plagued by substance abuse and domestic violence. bus stop . At age 13 he writing rhymes in his car chicago-based School Gladstone with the rhyming dictionary his unti got him. In elementary school wanted to pick up the electric guitar. But his family could not afford to pay the down payment  the school had until this day wants to create a program for unfortunate kids so they can have the opportunity that he didn't. It wasn’t just a fun hobby for a bright kid. It was a refuge for GRITTGRITT and his now deceased mom in a home plagued by substance abuse and domestic violence.