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The emerging music of Paul.0c

The emerging music of Paul.0c
By Yami Cabrera
The Singer/Songwriter Paul.0c appears in 2020 with attractive productions. Paul is just beginning his professional career in the music world. His starting point seems to be the three singles released this spring "So Loud," "Alone Tonight," and "Common Ground." 

"So loud" was their first release in March. This single exposes exotic and unique melodic twists that support Paul's vocal power. The lyrics of the song appear as a freedom call for the artist, revealing his decision to start his career before it is too late.
"Alone Tonight" is a song much more inclined to his influences of rock music. The harmonic accompaniment of the piano complements the vocal movement developed by Paul. The guitar riff and the rhythmic strength of the drums are its greatest attractions.
The most recent of his singles is "Common Ground," a nostalgic song with a lot of soul. Paul offers us a melody and some heartfelt lyrics that will surely captivate his followers.
Paul´s music connects elements of Pop styles with Rock and powerful vocals that bring it closer to moving retro sounds. This emerging artist from Russia is practically an enigma for those of us who approach his music. 
Currently you can find his music on various streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Reverbnation, Amazon Music, Apple Music, etc. Paul may have a promising career ahead of him, so stay tuned to upcoming productions.
El cantautor Paul.0c aparece este 2020 con tres nuevas y atractivas producciones que pudieran ser un excelente despertar para su carrera artística. Este artista emergente de origen ruso es practicamente un enigma para quienes nos acercamos a su música. 
Paul recién está comenzando su carrera profesional en el mundo de la música. Su punto de partida parecen ser los tres singles lanzados en esta primavera “So Loud”, “Alone Tonight”, y “Common Ground”. La música compuesta conecta elementos del estilo Pop con el Rock y poderosas vocalizaciones que lo acercan a conmovedoras sonoridades retros. 
“So Loud” fue su primer lanzamiento realizado en el mes de marzo. Este single expone exóticos y peculiares giros melódicos que apoyan la potencia vocal de Paul. La letra de la canción aparece como un grito de libertad para el artista, revelando su decisión de iniciar su carrera antes de que sea tarde. 
“Alone Tonight” es una canción mucho más inclinada a sus influencias de la música rock. El acompañamiento armónico del piano complementa el movimiento vocal desarrollado por Paul. El riff de la guitarra y la fuerza rítmica del drums es de sus mayores atractivos. 
El más reciente de estos single es “Common Ground.” La canción es canto nostálgico y conmoverdor con mucho soul. Paul nos ofrece una melodía y una sentida letra que seguramente cautivará a sus seguidores. 
Actualmente puedes encontrar su música en varias plataformas de streaming como Spotify, Deezer, Reverbnation, Amazon Music, Apple Music, etc. Paul pudiera tener una prometedora carrera por delante, así que mantente al tanto a próximas producciones. 

- singer-songwriter, an emerging artist, has written, recorded and co-produced 3 singles that came out during spring 2020. The songs are a mix of soulful pop vocals and thick production incorporating live instruments as well as synths with a hint of old-school almost retro sound at times.