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EXCLUSIVE Interview With The Finite Beings


Interview Questions Flyah Magazine

With the group name like “The Finite Beings; you seem original and interesting. Can you tell us what's the meaning of the name and what you guys stand for?

Mike: The Finite Beings was a term that Donny and I often heard in a theology study we both attended. It was run by a good friend and pastor that truly played a pivotal role in shaping our view of the world and our human condition as we live out our lives. When it came to deciding on a band name, Donny’s then girlfriend and now wife, mentioned the term “finite.” We loved it because it described who we are as we walk and grow through this life. We are finite beings with a limited view and perspective of something so much bigger than us. I find it to be a very humble name to represent such a big sound with substance. We want to take people on a spiritual journey with our music as we evolve and grow as people and artists. We want the listener to wonder and stir up emotion in them as they take the journey with us; all while pushing the boundaries of thought and musicianship. 

How long have you guys been working on music together?  How did concept come about?

Mike: As mentioned, Donny and I met at a theology study in 2010. So we have been writing music together for about a decade. Our concept came about by wanting to take our classic rock influences and blending them with a fresh contemporary rock sound. All while using a writing style that provokes emotion, thought, imagery, and substance. The addition of Hunter this past year has been a huge blessing and key ingredient in taking our sound to another level. He serves as producer as well as multi instrumentalist. I’m happy to call him our third member.

We always hear issues about bands staying together; what keep you guys on the same page creatively and socially?

Donny: I think It’s important to have a clear vision. Also you need someone to be the leader. Mike and I used to clash more in the beginning before we figured out our roles. Mike is definitely the leader of the Finite Beings, which makes things easier. He drives the vision and purpose of the band. When we write a song, it’s usually Mike’s song. Hunter or I may write chords or a riff to start, but Mike shapes and molds the song in a way that works best with The Finite Beings. I feel I have more freedom and creative input now more than before when Mike wasn’t the official leader. Mike is great at getting us together and pushing us to make the best song we can. I’m very proud of the way we work together now, and glad Hunter has joined us. 

So tell us about your latest album "A Life to Come Renewed"?

Mike: The album was originally written and released in 2014 with the title, A Life to Come. In 2019, we decided to rerelease it with 2 additional tracks that were written after the original release. We felt it really filled out the album and now I can’t imagine those 2 tracks not being there. 

Donny: We felt these songs were of the same essence of the album and fit in perfectly where they were placed. More people have listened to the Renewed version, so I’m glad we made this decision. The album is less of a concept album compared to our first album, but had similar subject matter. It’s all about the human condition.

What's it like in your hometown of New Jersey?How has it influenced your music career?

Mike: That sounds like one of those questions they used to ask the bands from Seattle during the 90s grunge era lol. We all grew up in NJ and love it here. Unfortunately, the rock scene isn’t what it used to be. Now with the pandemic, all shows have really ceased. We are hoping to connect with some local bands and play some shows when things settle. 

Being you have a song called "The Virus", explain the impact of the pandemic on you guys career?

Mike: So when it comes to our new song, The Virus, I had a lot of time to reflect in quarantine. In these very trying times, I felt it on my heart to share my thoughts and emotions in a song. I wanted to be genuine and honest with my fear and doubt, while also expressing my confidence in brighter days to come. This is what ended up coming out. A song that confronts the harsh reality that we are in, but also walking and growing through it with hope. 

If you could create any other genre of music, what would it be? 

Donny: The Finite Beings have a variety of genre influences in our music. I think it would be interesting to hear a country/southern rock centered song/album. Specifically classic country/southern rock. More folk inspired like Neil Young, Jim Croce or John Denver.

Mike: I like Donny’s answer and could def see something cool coming from that. Especially something with a Neil Young vibe! For me, I think it would be cool to experiment with an electronic/industrial sound like a NIN or Depeche Mode. 

Are there any other passions and challenges that help shape your music career?

Mike: A serious challenge that did shape my writing and music, was being diagnosed schizophrenic in my early 20s. Thankfully, I have fully recovered. My journey to recovery and my fascination with the mind are two things I often write about. I like to be imaginative and paint a picture for the listener through my lyrics. All while surrounding it with the intricate atmosphere of our music. I think this combination is what gives us our own unique sound. 

Name some of the Alternative Rock hero’s and people you would like to work with? and Why?

Donny: Alternative Rock is a really interesting genre, kind of all over the place. I’m more influenced by older music and classic rock. However some of my heroes of Alt rock are Elliott Smith, Wilco, Richard Swift, Metric, and Christian Lee Hutson. I’d love to work with Emily Haines from Metric, I think she’s the best songwriter of the last 20 years. Her blend of genres and ability to constantly change every album is way underrated. I think The Finite Beings could make a cool song/album with Emily Haines.

Mike: When it comes to lyrical writing, I have a high regard for Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. The way he imagined and created the album, The Wall, blew me away. It had so much imagery and symbolism; a true work of art. Some bands that influenced and shaped me were: Sound Garden, STP, Deftones, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Pantera, Pink Floyd, Tool, System of a Down, just to name a few. If I had my choice though, I would sit down and write a song with Roger Waters.

What could the fans expect next for the dynamic trio?

Donny: We are working hard on another album. Creativity, we could finish this album by the end of 2020. We have a lot of fresh ideas coming. The material is so different and interesting. I think It’s some of the best work we’ve done. Part of that definitely has to do with Hunter joining the band. He adds another level to our sound.

Mike: I’m very excited to release this new material. I think it holds true to our unique sound, but shows a level of maturity and growth. I also feel that our chemistry between the three of us continues to evolve with every song. I would like to make some music videos for these tracks and one day hopefully perform them live. 

Are there any last remarks?

Mike: Thank you for interviewing us! Look for our new material to be out next year! In the meantime, go to our website for information and updates. Also, check out our brand new single, The Virus, which is available on all major sites.