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Funktastic Players Exclusive Interview


Tell us about the track "Daydreaming" and what gave inspiration for this song?
Daydreaming was written by my production partner Kevin Croom some years ago. I was looking for a tune to complete the “Fire” CD. He called me and told me he had this old tune that could work. At first I didn’t want to do the song because it seemed out of place but I absolutely fell in love with the song. So we decided to re-record the song from scratch and put the Funktastic flare on it.

We love the cover art for daydreaming and definitely loved the concept! Who is the graphic artist for your music?
I am the graphic artist for everything we do. I design all the cover art, produce all the videos and create all promotional materials for our work. Everything you see and hear is done in house.

What type of instruments were used on the track Daydreaming and who played them?
Kevin Croom played all keyboard parts. I programmed the drums and percussion. I arranged the horn section parts. The bass was played by both of us. The lead sax was played by Marcus H Mitchell.

We featured you before, could you tell us some of your recent progress since we last spoke?
Our goal was to expand our coverage, to reach more people and to cultivate new fans. I think we are well on our way of doing that. We’ve been picked up by radio stations, blogs and magazines all over the world and we’re still reaching for more! We’ve also had success with our DJ mixes. These dance mixes allow you to hear our music in a different light.

Are you guys planning on touring this year?
No, but if someone wants to offer us a boatload of money to perform I would consider it.

So tell us about the track "Moody Melody"
Moody Melody is an interesting song in that both Kevin and I had different chord ideas that we blended together to make one song. I really liked how it turned out and is a good example of how we work together. Kevin and I both played keys on this one, I played the bass and programmed the drums and Marcus played sax once again.


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