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Exclusive Interview with Look Back Luna!


Where are you from and could you tell us a little bit of your upbringing?


Look Back Luna is made up of Alex Booth on drums and vocals, Kyle Rusinko on the bass (Bassmaster Kyle), and Gabriel Josefowicz on guitar and lead vocals. We are from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and were formed at the beginning of 2022. We all found each other online while trying to look for people to start a project. Soon we began to write music and entered a battle of the band's contest for original music. We ended up placing 3rd of 16 bands that were in the contest. After the fact, we began to get some traction and jump on a lot of shows in the spring of 2022. 


What genre of music do you make? 


We are an alternative rock/metal band, but what is different about us is we take a lot of influences from other genres and implement them into our songs. For example, one of the songs we have yet to put out but have recorded is called The Sand Song. The main riff stems from classic hardcore, the chorus has more of a prog feel, and the bridge towards the end of the song is complete ska. 

Not only with that song but with all of our other songs they follow suit. Unlike some other bands, we don’t completely conform to one genre. We have songs influenced by Jazz Fusion, Pop Punk, Pop Rock, Post-Hardcore, Classic Punk, and Funk just to name a few. Blues also plays a major role in the songs we write. 


When did you first decide to be a musician?


I grew up with a love for music and performing. I began to play the drums and sing over 12 years ago and have received a college education in music and performing arts. Before I decided to begin playing music I always had the dream of becoming a musician. I was raised on a wide variety of music from 50’s doo-wop to 90’s grunge, I feel like that has had a big influence on how much of a well-rounded musician I have become. - Alex Booth


I was really into rock growing up, especially early 2010s pop and pop rock. I slowly got into metal through drum covers online when I was around 10 years old. I have been hooked ever since. - Kyle Rusinko


I got my first guitar for Christmas when I was 8 years old. Growing up a big variety of music was played throughout my house, from Frank Sinatra to the Dropkick Murphys I heard it all. I took an interest in music after watching my Dad play Guitar Hero 3. I loved the songs and I wanted to play the guitar just as well as all the greats. I’ve been going every since and try to expand my musical knowledge daily. - Gabriel Josefowicz 


Who are some of the notable artists and people that influenced your career thus far?


Bring Me The Horizon, Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, and Bullet For My Valentine have influenced me in music. I’ve met a ton of cool people since I started being involved with music. It is a great way to connect with people through their favorite artists, genres, and instruments that they play. - Kyle Rusinko 


Some of the bands that have influenced me the most over the years have been Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Dream Theater, and Black Sabbath. As a drummer, I have been heavily influenced by many great drummers such as Mike Portnoy, Brooks Wackerman, Danny Carey, Lars Ulrich, and Neil Peart. - Alex Booth 


I am very influenced by the works of bands such as Turnstile, Weezer, Primus, Pantera, AC/DC, and Joe Bonamassa. I think they are all such incredible talents and well-rounded musicians/bands. - Gabriel Josefowicz 


Could you tell us about your latest project?


Our latest project was a single we put out in October of 2022. The song is called Molly, Molly. The song is about a struggle with mental health when life gives you too many lemons. Relationships fall apart, you can’t sleep at night, and you're unsure where to start to fix all that has happened. The song's lyrics tell a story and the music behind it does as well.


What should we expect from you in the near future?


On January 13th, 2023 (Friday the 13th) we will be releasing our second single “I Only Love You (When I’m Stoned). It will be available on all streaming platforms. We are also recording once again in January. We’re tracking a few songs and will be putting them out as 2023 progresses.  


Could you give us some advice that you can offer to someone who is just getting started in making music?


For people who are just beginning to make music here is the advice we will give to you. Don’t rush the process, songs take time to develop and structure. Molly, Molly took about two months to fully develop into what it is today. There were countless times when I debated throwing the whole song away and saying “F#$% this, I can’t figure this song out.” But I stayed persistent and the song came to fruition.

I also would find myself saying “will this song be good enough?” “Will people hate it or will they love it?” The truth is you don’t know any of that until the song circulates around for a while. I was astonished by how well the song was perceived and how well some people connected with it. What I’m saying is, you never will know until you try and if you don’t try, you’ll never know at all. - Gabriel Josefowicz


Find an instrument that you like the sound of, whether it may be percussion, strings, brass, etc, and just go for it. Find some way to get lessons, even if it's someone on youtube, and soon enough you’ll be making your own music. - Kyle Rusinko


My advice for everyone who is looking to start making music is that music is supposed to be about expression. Sometimes, people can get lost in the business or the notoriety side of it. But it should be about collaborating with fellow like-minded individuals to create a story that moves you and others. - Alex Booth


Are there any important achievements you have gained since beginning to do music?


So far the majority of our accolades have been local but that doesn’t make them less than anything else. Our recent endeavors have landed us a win for’s “Best Original band” and a Steamtown Music Award for “Best New Artist.” As well as (mentioned prior) our third-place win in a battle of the band's competition called The Big Break


Besides music, what are some of the things that you are into?


Some other things besides music that I am into are pretty standard. I’m a big movie buff, I generally watch a movie a day and enjoy breaking down the way the films are made. I also love science, space, and learning about the world around me. - Alex Booth 


Video games, NASCAR, and anything space related really. - Kyle Rusinko 


I am really into reading as well as collecting Funko Pops. I really enjoy horror novels as well as manga. I have over 200 Funko pops as well. I also have a massive vinyl collection. - Gabriel Josefowicz


Are you currently on tour or planning to be?


We are booking a lot of shows in the spring and summer right now. We’re looking to do a lot more shows in New Jersey, Delaware, New York, and all the other surrounding areas for now. Hopefully, we will have something of a tour set up by the end of winter but, if not, we will definitely be playing as much as we possibly can. 


Any last remarks?


Thank you for interviewing us! Make sure to check us out on all social media platforms and streaming services. We would love it if you checked out all of our music and we look forward to releasing new music in the new year. We hope you enjoyed hearing about us, stay wild.