Don Carnevale Exclusive interview
Where are you from and could you tell us a little bit of your upbringing?
I’m from the Los Angeles area and have been here my whole life. Specifically a town called Monrovia which is near Pasadena. My current studio situation is in Arcadia which is right between Pasadena and Monrovia.
What genre of music do you make and when did you first decide to be a musician?
I started out in rock bands in the 80’s and had some near success before moving on to a better way of supporting myself. Now I simply write, record, and produce my own music at my own pace.
Who are some of the notable artists and people that influenced your career thus far?
Of course the Beatles and all the classic rock they influenced, but I’m a fan of most genres of music.
Could you tell us about your latest projects?
My latest project is “Everything Changes When I’m Around You” A song that was sent to me quickly from somewhere beyond and everything seems to have fallen into place in the recording. It also has a nice sentiment. It was done in a country style because it needed to be.
What should we expect from you in the near future?
I usually do about three songs a year, but who knows when inspired by something or even when you find something. Should it be written?
Could you give us some advice that you can offer to someone who is just getting started in making music?
Quality musicians. If you are recording, every track needs to be good. It starts with a solid drum track.
Are there any important achievements you have gained since beginning to do music?
Simply the satisfaction of completing a song from inception to the master is all I need. I’ve got a lot of positive feedback and vibes from all so far. As soon as the negative starts coming I guess I’ll know that I’m gaining popularity.
Besides music, what are some of the things that you are into?
I try to play a lot of golf these days. I like to be outside if the weather is good and warm. Then just the enjoyment of living and having things to do or not having anything to do. It’s all good.
Are you currently on tour or planning to be?
No thank You. I’m a studio band like the Archies or early Steely Dan.
Any last remarks?
Enjoy the new tune.