
Showing posts from December, 2022

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Exclusive Interview with Look Back Luna!

  Where are you from and could you tell us a little bit of your upbringing?   Look Back Luna is made up of Alex Booth on drums and vocals, Kyle Rusinko on the bass (Bassmaster Kyle), and Gabriel Josefowicz on guitar and lead vocals. We are from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and were formed at the beginning of 2022. We all found each other online while trying to look for people to start a project. Soon we began to write music and entered a battle of the band's contest for original music. We ended up placing 3rd of 16 bands that were in the contest. After the fact, we began to get some traction and jump on a lot of shows in the spring of 2022.    What genre of music do you make?    We are an alternative rock/metal band, but what is different about us is we take a lot of influences from other genres and implement them into our songs. For example, one of the songs we have yet to put out but have recorded is called  The Sand Song . The main riff stems from classic hardcore, the chorus has

Is Bitcoin a safe situation? Please be aware!

  With internet and online chat rooms mushrooming everywhere over the years, advance fee scam or 419 scam as it is called with name being derived from Nigerian Penal Code se ction that covers this crime, has claimed more  and more  victims of financial fraud.  Earlier  scammers demanded money but with the existence of  Cryptocurrency , scammers are preferring to demand that as  cryptocurrency  transactions are difficult to track.  Bitcoin  is most popular  cyrptocurrency .  With curiosity and craze surrounding  Bitcoin , today more scammers are luring victims by talking about  Bitcoin  trading after developing a rapport with them via friendly or romantic conversations.   The time that scammers spent then and now to chat with victims is an investment whose return would be victim losing money to scammer if he/she blindly believes what the scammer says.  They request s mall amount via money transfer. If they can arouse the compassion of a victim with a sob stor y, many times they also suc

Bourbon House - 20 To Life

  "20 to Life" is a gritty rock n' roll song that melds delta blues with the heaviness of a southern gothic crime scene. "Our fans have been asking for another song from us with a slide guitar riff since "Devil on my Heels" was released in 2019. I think if whiskey, smoke, bad luck and hard times have a sound, "20 to Life" captures it." Lacey Crowe, Vocals