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Vona B. Exclusive Interview and Run it up video

  Vonaq, wcould you tell us about your upbringing in Fairfield’sw? growing up in fairfield was cool. it’s about 45mins from san francisco and 45mins from sacramento so, we’re in the dead center. one of those small towns where if you’re not from the bay you probably have never heard of it. it’s flat and there’s  nothing to do but, get in trouble or be bored. it’s like one those towns in the movies where everybody pretty much knows everybody and you wouldn’t stay there forever because you have bigger dreams or goals. i grew up in a semi strict/religious household so, i didn’t really do what the other kids/teenagers did. always being on a different type of time led me to fall in love with creative arts because i’d find myself singing or dancing around my house constantly. my mom nicknamed me her personal radio because whenever we were in the car i’d never let a song play without full out singing the whole thing.   in a nutshell there was nothing to unique about growing up in fairfield lol

An Album From Solo Rap Artist Summi

  An Album From Solo Rap Artist Summi Summi's M.E.S.I. album is a mix between a new rap style and a pop style and it sounds like a current and very smart songwriting approach all together.  The record is a huge one and is filled with all kinds of great songs including a single called "One Shot" which takes the cake in terms of a song that should really be on the radio by now.  Summii lays it all out with his music and has a great style of rapping that bleeds into a young pop single that really gives a good example of what to expect from the rest of the album itself.  Summi has a personal feel and there is something for almost everyone on the album.  Other notable songs include Blabbermouth (the record's introduction song), You Don't Wanna, and Losin' Myself - among others.  Solid album all the way through.  Spotify for Summi Website for Summi TikTok for Summi

The Musical Heart Of Brian Ross

  The Musical Heart Of Brian Ross Brian Ross has a new release out and it's filled with an absolutely radio pop feel complete with a folk rock guitar performance and an honest and straightforward set of lyrics that express emotion and shows some great presence as an artist.  "XYZ" is a rock song but keeps true to a real deal pop sound that borders on some 90's radio rock vibes and it all feels great to listen to.  Ross has a great spirited sound and the guy has soul for sure. You can hear the love he has for what he does in "XYZ" and that's just one of several songs from the Sidewalks EP release which is filled with colorful and shining tracks that all seem to come straight from the heart.  Dive into this one and if you like it, you're bound to really like the whole EP really.  Spotify Instagram Bandcamp